Nelson Robles, LCSWLicensed Clinical Social Worker

: Rohnert Park: English, Advanced Spanish: Springfield College, Springfield, MA: Master of Social Work


    • Depression and Anxiety Disorders
    • Substance Abuse
    • Trauma and Adjustment Disorders
    • Violence Intervention / Anger Management

    Nelson has more than 35 years’ experience in the Human Services and Clinical Social Work field. He specializes in working with individuals with substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and trauma related symptoms, and in the field of violence intervention/anger management. He has developed and helped direct several programs in the community including residential programs for substance abuse, violence intervention programs for the courts, and residential programs for the homeless.  Nelson enjoys working with many social, economic and ethnic groups.  He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and received his Master of Social Work degree from Springfield College, MA in 2006.

    Before joining Petaluma Health Center, Nelson was the Assistant Director at Mi Casa for Families and Children in Connecticut, provided care as a social worker at Napa State Hospital in CA, and served as a mental health provider at Behavioral Health Network and the Brightside School Street Counseling Institute in Massachusetts.  He enjoys playing guitar, hiking and spending time with family and friends.