The Petaluma Health Center Grocery Raffle wishes to reward patients with the chance to win $500 in groceries and a one-hour consultation with a Petaluma Health Center (PHC) nutritionist. For each $25 payment, one raffle ticket will be issued. Payment for Raffle tickets can be made in two ways: (1) patients making payments to PHC towards their bills and (2) donations made to PHC by anyone who wishes to participate in the Raffle. Patients making $25 or more in payments towards their PHC bills will automatically be entered in the raffle unless they choose to not participate.
1. Who is eligible for the Raffle?
All Petaluma Health Center patients (18 years or older) are eligible upon making payments in $25 increments. Anyone else is eligible to participate by donating $25 per entry.
2. When will I receive my Raffle ticket?
Raffle tickets will be distributed at the time of payment. For patients paying on-site, tickets will be distributed at the Health Center. For patients paying by mail, the tickets will be sent with a receipt by mail.
3. What if I do not have an outstanding balance, but would like to enter the Raffle?
Patients who do not have outstanding balances may purchase raffle tickets at the price of $25 per entry.
4. What if I pay more than $25?
You will receive a raffle ticket for every increment of $25 paid. For example, a payment between $75 and $99 would receive three raffle tickets.
5. When are the Raffle drawings?
The Raffle drawing will be held on the third Wednesdays of each month from all eligible raffle tickets. Winners need not be present to win.
6. How will I know if I won?
PHC staff will contact the winning patient in order to arrange delivery of the prize and schedule the free consultation with the PHC nutritionist.
7. Is the prize the same each month?
YES. Each month the PHC Grocery Raffle will be a $500 gift certificate to a local grocery store and a consultation with the PHC nutritionist.
8. Who do I contact with questions?
Petaluma Health Center staff is always ready to serve you. Please call 559.7500, option 8, for additional information and detailed rules of this raffle.
DRAWING The drawing for the PHC Grocery Raffle will be held once a month, beginning in November 2008. One ticket will be randomly drawn to win $500 in groceries from a local grocery store and a free one-hour consultation with a Petaluma Health Center nutritionist.HOW TO PARTICIPATE
Any individual can purchase as many tickets as he or she may wish, subject to availability. To participate: (1) patients can make payments to PHC on co-payment obligations or bills, and for every $25 in payments he/she will receive one raffle ticket, or (2) anyone can make a donation to PHC and receive one raffle ticket for every $25 donated. Payments can be made in cash, money order, credit or debit card (with card security code and expiration date), or check providing your name, address, and telephone number. Tickets cannot be purchased on the PHC website or by e-mail. Any entry submitted electronically will be rejected. NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS
Winners will be notified according to the contact information provided to PHC at the time of payment or donation. If the prize winner cannot be located within two weeks of attempts to make contact through the information provided at the time of purchasing the ticket, that winner will be rejected and another winner will be selected for such prize. Winners will be posted on the PHC website, and a list of winners may be obtained from PHC by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to PHC Grocery Raffle, 1304 Southpoint Blvd., Suite 110, Petaluma, CA 94954. COLLECTION OF PRIZE
In order to collect the prize, the winner must sign and deliver to PHC: (a) such written information as is required by any applicable laws, (b) proof of identity in forms satisfactory to PHC showing that the person claiming the prize is the same person who is named on the winning raffle ticket; (c) the winning ticket stub.
By entering the raffle or purchasing a ticket, the participant agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations listed below. PHC’s interpretation and application of the rules and regulations shall be final. Taxes and IRS
Petaluma Health Center (PHC), a tax exempt organization under Section 501-c-3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Tax Code, is conducting this raffle pursuant to California Penal Code Section 320.5, et.seq., to raise funds for ongoing charitable purposes, and has been authorized by the California Office of the Attorney General under raffle registry number RF0001988. The winner will be responsible for paying any local, state and federal income taxes that would result from winning $500 of food products. This is considered $500 in taxable income by the Internal Revenue Service. The winner will be responsible for paying any and all owed income taxes on the winnings and is encouraged to consult his/her tax advisor. Eligibility
Only one eligible person may be entered in the raffle per ticket sold. If the name of more than one person is submitted with a ticket purchase, and that ticket is selected as a wining ticket, then the person named first will be deemed the holder of record of that ticket and declared the winner. Division of prize by a group purchasing a ticket in common shall be the sole responsibility of the person named as the holder of record of that ticket, should that ticket be selected as the winner. Rejected Entries
PHC reserves the right to reject any entry that is submitted with payment that does not constitute “good funds.” All defective or physically altered entries will be immediately disqualified. Prior to the drawing, PHC will make a reasonable effort to notify the individual and/or entity that submits such an entry or one that has been rejected because the credit card or check did not clear that the entry has been rejected by attempting to make contact through the information provided at the time of submitting the purchase request. PHC assumes no responsibility for lost, late, misdirected or non-delivered mail of fax messages, or any failure to receive orders or deliver receipts prior to the drawing deadlines. PHC’s Liability
A raffle participant’s sole and exclusive remedy for PHC’s breach shall be limited to the return of the purchase price paid for his or her raffle ticket (s). In no event shall PHC, its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives be liable to any party for any loss or injuries to earnings, profits or goodwill, or for any incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages of any person or entity whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Eligibility
Anyone 18 years of age or older may enter. Employees and members of the Board of Directors of PHC, employees of their agents, their spouses and children living in the same household are excluded from participating and are not eligible to win a prize. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. The raffle is void where prohibited or restricted by law. Termination of the Raffle
This Raffle is held at the sole discretion of PHC, which has the right to terminate the program at any time and without notice. Odds
Up to 3,500 tickets can be issued each month. The chances of winning would be based on that number. If fewer tickets are sold, the chances of winning improve. Waiver and Limitations of Liability
By entering this raffle, participants accept and agree (1) to be bound by all the rules, limitations and restrictions set forth here and (2) that their names and/or likenesses may be disclosed to and used by the news media and may other wise be used by PHC for publicity purposes and in lists of prize winners to be published in area newspapers and announced on the PHC website. Other rules and regulations may apply. Please contact PHC if you have questions. PHC’s interpretation and application of the rules and regulations shall be final. By entering this raffle, each participant releases PHC, its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability for injuries, losses, damages of any kind caused by participating in the raffle or winning any prize or resulting from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize, and each winner agrees to indemnify and hold PHC harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims and actions of any kind rising in connection with or as a result of participating in the raffle or the winners’ acceptance or use of any prize. Each participant hereby waives the provisions of Civil Code Section 1542 which states the following: “a general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his of her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor.” Registration with the State of California
By letter from the Attorney General’s Office, Petaluma Health Center has registered with the Department of Justice under Raffle Registration Number RF0001988 and is authorized to conduct raffles in California pursuant to the provisions of Penal Code Section 320.5 for the raffle period which begins October 1, 2008 and ends August 31, 2009. This offer is void where prohibited by law, and all federal, state and local laws and regulation apply.